Our projetcs


Eco-health hubs project is designed to address the mitigations against the socio-economic
impacts of Covid-19 in the community –with particular focus to young entrepreneurs. In
addressing, the project is set up to recognize youth in action against Covid-19 impacts.

In this Global Youth for Mobilization funded project, we create discussion hubs whereby
young people, who are entrepreneurs, get together to discuss on how Covid-19, the global
pandemic, has impacted their Health (Mental Health) and businesses, and how they,
innovatively, adapt to sustainably run their business. The hubs are platform for these young
entrepreneurs to network on different matters of business which involves exchange of
knowledge and experiences.

So far we have created hubs in Arusha and Dar es Salaam, and we are envisioned to create
hubs in other regions in Tanzania. Moreover, we will launch “Youth innovation showcase”
which aim to inspire, challenge and support young people in addressing socio-economic issues
in our local settings. The project enables us to identify and bring together young entrepreneurs
in Tanzania.

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